Thursday, February 2, 2012

Received another wonderful email from some new visitors who was referred to us by our very lovely customers! Thank you Glen, Pat and Debra :)

What extraordinarily delicious food at Avachat! Ellen and Iain were hugely impressed and we must have looked like a threesome of starving people, the way we devoured the dishes with gusto with endless appreciative grunts and other noises but we didn't care! None of us had eaten a decent meal in days - all just junk or snacks - so the dinner last night was just what we needed. Iain was excited to see they had the genuine Vietnamese drip coffee with condensed milk as he dranks heaps of those on their trip to Vietnam last year - looks pretty good too. My favourites were the Crab Balls and the Prawns on the sugar cane sticks. Wow!

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